Saber Malekzadeh

Sabir Məlikzadə صابر ملک زاده

۱۴ مطلب با کلمه‌ی کلیدی «صابر ملک زاده Saber Malekzadeh» ثبت شده است

breast cancer ct dataset دیتاست سی تی اسکن سرطان سینه

The dataset is preprocessed and saved with joblib library in a jlb file. The jlb file contains 3 objects. The first object is for images. The second one is for labels which contains 3 classes (0 for Cancer, 1 for Benign and 2 for normal) The third variable is for masks of mass in images.

To download and more information use this Kaggle Link.

دیتاست تصاویر سی تی اسکن سرطان سینه همراه با برچسب. کدهای راهنما و توضیحات در لینک کگل (اینجا) گذاشته شده. جهت راهنمایی رایگان از طریق اطلاعات تماس در منو Contact پیام دهید.

breast cancer ct dataset دیتاست سی تی اسکن سرطان سینه
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Metal Historical Daily Price تاریخچه قیمت روزانه فلزات

Metals Historical daily price for Aluminum, Copper, Tin, Lead, Zinc, Nickel, Gold and Silver automatically updating in Google Sheets file. Each metals historical daily price is in a sheet. It's importable to other Google Sheets, Excel and programming languages simply.

For more information or need to customization contact us from the menu.

Metals Historical Daily Price - Google Sheets Link

دیتاست قیمت روزانه جهانی فلزات پرکاربرد با آپدیت خودکار. کدهای راهنما و توضیحات گذاشته شده. جهت راهنمایی رایگان از طریق اطلاعات تماس در منو Contact پیام دهید.
Metal Historical Daily Price تاریخچه قیمت روزانه فلزات
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Datacracy, Government type of future داده سالاری، سیستم سازمانی آینده

Datacracy is a form of government in which data analysis and AI prediction results have the authority to decide legislation or to choose governing officials to do so. There are some difficulties in the way of implementation of an ideal datacracy.

The ultimate goal of human society is to increase financial wealth while increasing the level of comfort and tranquility in human life. Balancing comfort and earning money in each person’s life depends on that person and human standards.

Therefore, the ultimate goal of the datacracy is to establish financial stability in society. If the increase of the financial power of society is accompanied by the elimination of poverty in society,

Datacracy, Government type of future داده سالاری، سیستم سازمانی آینده
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4th Industrial and Political Revolution انقلاب صنعتی چهارم

We are in the middle of the fourth industrial revolution. The most political industrial revolution. Every revolution has its difficulties. In any revolution, a section of society that sees the policies of the revolution as contrary to its own interests tries to prevent the creation of a revolution. In some revolutions, the reason for opposition to the revolution is the conservative belief in the existence of objections to the principles of the revolution. But in most revolutions, conservatives, regardless of the collective interests of society, try to prevent any gradual or sudden change in order to preserve their personal and partisan interests. The closer the revolution gets to success, the more the pressure from the conservatives on the reformists increases.

Political revolutions are different from economic and technological revolutions. In political revolutions, 

4th Industrial and Political Revolution انقلاب صنعتی چهارم
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MICM Music dataset دیتاست دستگاه موسیقی ایرانی

MICM is a new generation music dataset for classification, generation, and other types of AI tasks on music data. The full dataset is available in MICM Music dataset kaggle link.

Maryam Iranian Classical Music Dataset

To cite the dataset please use the following reference: “Azar, Shahla Rezazadeh, et al. “Instrument-Independent Dastgah Recognition of Iranian Classical Music Using AzarNet.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1812.07017 (2018).”


Data samples (.wav files) are in ‘Data/Music/SoundSamples’ directory. ‘Music’ Directory contains 2 directories ‘Avaz’ and ‘Dastgah’ each of which contains 2 ‘.txt’ files. ‘Class.txt’ contains the name and number of each class and ‘Label.txt’ contains the class number of each sample ‘.wav’ file.


So many thanks to Maryam Rayegan for helping us in the gathering of this dataset.

دیتاست تشخیص دستگاه و آواز موسیقی ویولون و نی در موزیک های نواخته شده. کدهای راهنما و توضیحات گذاشته شده. جهت راهنمایی رایگان از طریق اطلاعات تماس در منو Contact پیام دهید.
MICM Music dataset دیتاست دستگاه موسیقی ایرانی
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