Datacracy is a form of government in which data analysis and AI prediction results have the authority to decide legislation or to choose governing officials to do so. There are some difficulties in the way of implementation of an ideal datacracy.
The ultimate goal of human society is to increase financial wealth while increasing the level of comfort and tranquility in human life. Balancing comfort and earning money in each person’s life depends on that person and human standards.
Therefore, the ultimate goal of the datacracy is to establish financial stability in society. If the increase of the financial power of society is accompanied by the elimination of poverty in society, that society will become an ideal society.
Different political models have been imposed on human society throughout history, each of which has had many shortcomings. From tribal dictatorships that called the tribal head the god of society, to unanalyzed democracies that led society with the collective intellect that led society to the generally problematic decision of the majority. If the majority of society could manage with the same vote, they could certainly lead their lives to lasting happiness without external factors. But as we see in most societies, in societies where there is an authoritarian or weak state, the majority of those societies live in misery, and this is a reason for the inefficiency of democracy. Dictatorships also always take steps for the survival of themselves and their thoughts because of the use of personal or party desires that are limited to the thoughts of that person or group.
In datacracy, all principles are based on the analysis of big social data. Changes are applied more or less quickly, and the effect of their gradual increase or decrease is analyzed and concluded over time. This is exactly what governments are failing to do, because not only are the data and results of decisions about the impact of decisions not being collected properly, but it is also a very difficult task for human decision-makers to examine the vast amount of data and the effects of factors on each other. In this model, data can not be democratized as the aim is not the short-term satisfaction of people; It is the long-term financial growth of the society.
Also, just as every human being has strengths and weaknesses, so does every government have weaknesses. Government executives at every stage of government try to implement their policies. The impact of these policies on society sometimes lasts for hundreds of years. In datacracies, all changes are gradual and based on the results of data. Models are also developed to predict the effects of decisions on the future of society. In the event of drastic changes in community well-being measures (for example, the rapid spread of the virus across the community), the model also makes drastic sudden changes in collective policies to minimize the impact of harm. Although sudden drastic changes in policies carry risks, community analysis models try to minimize the impact of drastic destructive changes, although they do create some less important short-term problems.